6 mal gemerkt
GRIZZLY 12 Yr old 15.1hh Grulla Quarter Horse Gelding
Gebot auf Auktion
Inserats-ID: 4315109
Inseratstyp: Auktionspferd
Einstelldatum: 30.12.2024
Inseratsaufrufe: 2050
ist Beistellpferd
ist als Schulpferd/-pony geeignet
ist geländesicher
ist Allrounder
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⚜️ Heritage Winter Classic ⚜️ Happening now thru MONDAY | DECEMBER 30TH - Available EXCLUSIVELY on HorseBid's website! For more details and to register visit: www.Horsebid.com CONSIGNOR CONTACT: Kris Smith 814-229-3290 LOCATION: Clarion, PA BREED: QH REGISTERED: No COLOR: Grulla HEIGHT: 15.1 AGE: 12 GENDER: Gelding Grizzly is a 12 Year Old Grulla Quarter Horse Gelding. Wow Check Him Out!! He is one of the thickest and stockiest built horses you will find. He will weigh #1,450 pounds. Grizzly is a horse that whole family loves and likes to ride. He is super safe and super quiet and gentle to ride and be around on the ground. He is gentle enough for a total beginner to ride but also good broke enough an experienced horseman can have fun and enjoy riding also. Grizzly is a finished and seasoned ranch horse that has done every job on the ranch and is very good when it comes to working with cattle. He has also been trail ridden many of miles and is a great trail horse. He is very sure footed in the rough terrain. He goes where ever you ask him to on the trail and never refuses. If i could describe Grizzly in the 2 words they would be EASY and SAFE. You will love his one hand neck rein, good stop and backup , side pass. He lopes nice circles and hits his leads each way. He would also make a good lesson horse. With Grizzlys size and built he is capable of carrying any size rider. If your safety means alot to you and you been looking for that super broke all around gelding then make sure you check out Grizzly. Who ever buys him will absolutely love him. Horses like Grizzly are very hard to find. We can help arrange delivery anywhere in the United States. Call or Text Kris at 814-229-3290.

Homepage: horsebidllc
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