Englisches Vollblut Hengst 4 Jahre 156 cm Cremello in Ruila

16 mal gemerkt

Wonderful cremello thoroughbred stallion

5.000 € bis 10.000 €
5.000 € bis 10.000 €
Anneli Kadakas
76315 Ruila Estland
+372 (0)5... anzeigen



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Weitere Informationen

Alle englischen Vollblutpferde können ihre Ahnenreihe auf drei Araberhengste zurückverfolgen: 'Darley Arabian', 'Godolphin Arabian' und 'Byerley Turk'. Diese großen Väter wurden mit Stuten verschiedener Eigenschaften gepaart, und von ihren Abkömmlingen wurde eine strenge Auslese getroffen. Es wurde ... Mehr zur Pferderasse Englisches Vollblut
4 Jahre
156 cm

direkt vom Züchter


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Very beautiful little cremello thoroughbred stallion, directly from the breeder.

Sire: Goldmaker xx by RFF The Alchemist; Dam: Blonde Remarque by Gold Bayou.
He has been registered in the Estonian Sporthorse Society studbook, which is a full member of the WBFSH.

This is a handsome horse with solid and flawless conformation. He moves well and also shows nice free-jump.

Sire stands at 165 cm at the withers, and the dam is 157 cm. The son is currently around 154 cm and may grow quite a lot, but I cannot give any guarantees. As he is still young (born in july 2021) and quite butt-high, I expect his final height to be at least his mother’s height of 157 cm. His one year elder full sister is currently 162 cm and has been a slow grower too.

Gauri xx is a completely healthy horse with no history of illness or injury. He has been raised in a herd, playing and moving a lot with other stallions, and he still spends most of his time living with them in the meadow. He is also familiar with box/stable life, as well as manege work, farriering, loading and trailering. Videos of general handling and loading are available.

He could excel in any direction as a general-purpose riding horse. However, he is not suited for beginners, as he is a bit sensitive to start with.  

He could also be of interest for breeding, as he passes on the dilute color to 100 % of his foals, along with his valuable xx bloodlines.

Gauri is situated in Estonia close to Tallinn. Fast and affordable tansport to other EU countries and outside will be organized. Shipment calculation to Germany is approximately 600-800 EUR.
Feel free to ask more.
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Very beautiful little cremello thoroughbred stallion, directly from the breeder.

Sire: Goldmaker xx by RFF The Alchemist; Dam: Blonde Remarque by Gold Bayou.
He has been registered in the Estonian Sporthorse Society studbook, which is a full member of the WBFSH.

This is a handsome horse with solid and flawless conformation. He moves well and also shows nice free-jump.

Sire stands at 165 cm at the withers, and the dam is 157 cm. The son is currently around 154 cm and may grow quite a lot, but I cannot give any guarantees. As he is still young (born in july 2021) and quite butt-high, I expect his final height to be at least his mother's height of 157 cm. His one year elder full sister is currently 162 cm and has been a slow grower too.

Gauri xx is a completely healthy horse with no history of illness or injury. He has been raised in a herd, playing and moving a lot with other stallions, and he still spends most of his time living with them in the meadow. He is also familiar with box/stable life, as well as manege work, farriering, loading and trailering. Videos of general handling and loading are available.

He could excel in any direction as a general-purpose riding horse. However, he is not suited for beginners, as he is a bit sensitive to start with.  

He could also be of interest for breeding, as he passes on the dilute color to 100 % of his foals, along with his valuable xx bloodlines.

Gauri is situated in Estonia close to Tallinn. Fast and affordable tansport to other EU countries and outside will be organized. Shipment calculation to Germany is approximately 600-800 EUR.
Feel free to ask more.
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Bellissimo stallone cremello purosangue, direttamente dall'allevatore.

Sire: Goldmaker xx di RFF The Alchemist; Dam: Blonde Remarque di Gold Bayou.
È stato registrato nel libro genealogico della Estonian Sporthorse Society, che è membro a pieno titolo della WBFSH.

È un bel cavallo con una conformazione solida e impeccabile. Si muove bene e mostra anche un buon salto libero.

Il sire misura 165 cm al garrese e la madre 157 cm. Il figlio è attualmente intorno ai 154 cm e potrebbe crescere molto, ma non posso dare alcuna garanzia. Essendo ancora giovane (nato a luglio 2021) e piuttosto alto di statura, mi aspetto che la sua altezza finale sia almeno pari a quella della madre (157 cm). La sorella maggiore di un anno misura attualmente 162 cm e anche lei è cresciuta lentamente.

Gauri xx è un cavallo completamente sano, senza precedenti di malattie o lesioni. È stato allevato in un branco, giocando e muovendosi molto con gli altri stalloni, e tuttora trascorre la maggior parte del tempo con loro nel prato. Ha anche familiarità con la vita in box e in stalla, oltre che con il lavoro in maneggio, il farriering, il carico e il trailering. Sono disponibili video di manipolazione generale e di carico.

Potrebbe eccellere in qualsiasi direzione come cavallo da monta generico. Tuttavia, non è adatto ai principianti, poiché all'inizio è un po' sensibile.  

Potrebbe anche essere interessante per la riproduzione, poiché trasmette il colore diluito al 100% dei suoi puledri, insieme alle sue preziose linee di sangue xx.

Gauri si trova in Estonia, vicino a Tallinn. Verrà organizzato un trasporto veloce e conveniente verso altri paesi dell'UE e all'estero. Il calcolo della spedizione in Germania è di circa 600-800 euro.
Sentitevi liberi di chiedere di più.
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Hele mooie kleine cremello volbloed hengst, rechtstreeks van de fokker.

Vader: Goldmaker xx van RFF The Alchemist; Moeder: Blonde Remarque van Gold Bayou.
Hij is geregistreerd in het stamboek van de Estonian Sporthorse Society, die volwaardig lid is van de WBFSH.

Dit is een knap paard met een solide en foutloos exterieur. Hij beweegt goed en toont ook een mooie vrijsprong.

Vader heeft een schofthoogte van 165 cm en moeder is 157 cm. De zoon is momenteel rond de 154 cm en kan nog flink groeien, maar garanties kan ik niet geven. Aangezien hij nog jong is (geboren in juli 2021) en vrij konthoog, verwacht ik dat zijn uiteindelijke schofthoogte minstens die van zijn moeder van 157 cm zal zijn. Zijn één jaar oudere volle zus is momenteel 162 cm en is ook een langzame groeier.

Gauri xx is een volledig gezond paard zonder ziekte of verwondingen. Hij is opgegroeid in een kudde, speelt en beweegt veel met andere hengsten en hij brengt nog steeds het grootste deel van zijn tijd met hen door in de wei. Hij is ook vertrouwd met het leven in boxen en stallen, evenals met manegewerk, hoefsmeden, laden en traileren. Video's van de algemene omgang en het laden zijn beschikbaar.

Hij zou in alle richtingen kunnen uitblinken als algemeen rijpaard. Hij is echter niet geschikt voor beginners, omdat hij in het begin een beetje gevoelig is.  

Hij zou ook interessant kunnen zijn voor de fokkerij, omdat hij de verdunde kleur doorgeeft aan 100% van zijn veulens, samen met zijn waardevolle xx-bloedlijnen.

Gauri bevindt zich in Estland, vlakbij Tallinn. Snel en betaalbaar transport naar andere EU-landen en daarbuiten wordt geregeld. Verzendkosten naar Duitsland zijn ongeveer 600-800 EUR.
Voel je vrij om meer te vragen.
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Bardzo piękny mały ogier pełnej krwi cremello, bezpośrednio od hodowcy.

Ojciec: Goldmaker xx po RFF The Alchemist; matka: Blonde Remarque po Gold Bayou.
Został zarejestrowany w księdze stadnej Estonian Sporthorse Society, które jest pełnoprawnym członkiem WBFSH.

To przystojny koń o solidnej i nienagannej budowie. Dobrze się porusza, a także pokazuje ładny swobodny skok.

Ojciec mierzy 165 cm w kłębie, a matka 157 cm. Syn ma obecnie około 154 cm i może sporo urosnąć, ale nie mogę dać żadnych gwarancji. Ponieważ jest jeszcze młody (urodzony w lipcu 2021 r.) i dość wysoki, spodziewam się, że jego ostateczny wzrost wyniesie co najmniej 157 cm wzrostu jego matki. Jego o rok starsza siostra ma obecnie 162 cm i również rośnie powoli.

Gauri xx jest całkowicie zdrowym koniem, bez historii chorób czy urazów. Wychowywał się w stadzie, dużo bawiąc się i przemieszczając z innymi ogierami i nadal spędza z nimi większość czasu na łące. Jest również zaznajomiony z życiem w boksie/stajni, a także pracą na maneżu, kuśnierstwem, załadunkiem i transportem. Dostępne są filmy przedstawiające ogólną obsługę i załadunek.

Jako koń wierzchowy może się sprawdzić w każdym kierunku. Nie nadaje się jednak dla początkujących, ponieważ na początku jest nieco wrażliwy.  

Może być również interesujący w hodowli, ponieważ przekazuje rozcieńczony kolor 100% swoich źrebiąt, wraz z cennymi liniami krwi xx.

Gauri znajduje się w Estonii, niedaleko Tallina. Szybki i niedrogi transport do innych krajów UE i poza nią zostanie zorganizowany. Koszt wysyłki do Niemiec to około 600-800 EUR.
Zapraszam do zadawania pytań.


Goldmaker xx
RFF KINGS RANSOM XXRFF GOLDEM MIRACLE XXMajestic Regent xxSpringtime Girl xx
Blonde Remarque xx
Gold Bayou xxRemarque in Gold xx
Guaranteed Gold xxB J´s Purpose xxRacey Remarque xxDistingold xx


76315 Ruila

Anneli Kadakas
76315 Ruila
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Weitere Informationen

An experienced stud farm in Estonia, specializing primarily in breeding Trakehners with outstanding (Russian) show jumping bloodlines. Additionally, most of our horses are stamped with rare and exceptional diluted colors. We have sold our foals to clients all over the world. Feel free to contact us!

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76315 Ruila
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