3 mal gemerkt
Tennessee Walking Horse Gaited Trail Gelding
Preis auf Anfrage
Inserats-ID: 4236560
Inseratstyp: Verkaufspferd
Einstelldatum: 03.10.2024
Inseratsaufrufe: 3177
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OPEN BIDDING ON THEHORSEBAY,COM. SALE ENDS ON 10/16 @ 3:20PM CT. More information is available on the website, including an UTD vet inspection, Coggins, video, images, and the owner's contact information to ask questions, request information, or make arrangements to come to visit. Do you want to ride in style? Hummer is the right way to go. Hummer is a 13-year-old, 15.1H horse that is a great trail horse with plenty of experience and an excellent smooth gait to boot! Yes, he is a four-wheel drive and ready to be locked in at any time to face the most challenging terrain and the deepest of creeks imaginable. Hummer has a great flat-foot walk and is in no hurry to go anywhere. When asked, he moves into a super nice run-walking gear that can get you to town. He’s also been shown in many fun shows by riders of all ages, from six to sixty. Hummer has been exposed to all sorts of wildlife on the trails and takes it like a champ. He’s seen deer and turkey flush across the trail and never bats an eye. He’s been around various vehicles, including semis, buses, motorcycles, and heavy machinery. If you’re looking for a durable, tough, and, most importantly, RELIABLE horse, do not overlook Hummer!

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