Tinker Wallach 6 Jahre Tobiano-alle-Farben in Wallingford KY
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Inseratstyp: Verkaufspferd
Inserats-ID: 4145709
Einstelldatum: 22.07.2024
Inseratsaufrufe: 897
Inserat gemerkt: 1
3.500 $
~ 3.286 €
Platinum Equine Auction
Louisville 40299 USA
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Tinker stammen aus Irland, wo sie aus Rassepferden hervorgegangen sind und als Reit- oder Zugpferde gebraucht wurden. Aufgrund ihrer Scheckung galten sie aber erst als relativ wertlos und wurden nicht zur Zucht zugelassen. Ab Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts wurde gezielt selektiert nach Farbe; eingekreuz ... Mehr zur Pferderasse Tinker
6 Jahre


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Place your bids at www.PlatinumEquineAuction.com
Starting Bid $3500
Auction ends August 4th, 2024
Need a new saddle? Check out White Rock Saddles on our website or Facebook!
DANDY’S DREAMER. Aka Amigo is a 15.2HH, 2018 Model registered Gypsy Horse (gypsy X friesian cross) gelding. Amigo is a solid and stout made horse with a lot of class and eye appeal, he’s got everything going for him, from his thick made build, to this great mind and bold colors, he’s sure to get you noticed anywhere you take him! Amigo may be pretty, but he sure has a lot more to offer than just eye appeal, Amigo classifies as a Dalmatian puppy who was VERY well socialized, he loves everyone, from the kiddos to the adults, he will be sure to try to win your heart over. Amigo may be big, but he rides sure footed and fancy moving like the small ones, he’s got a very nice flowy jog to him, and a nice big lope, with a slow going walk whether you want to hit the trails or the show ring ! Amigo is easy to catch, let me rephrase, he will catch you before you ever make it to him, he believes the best place in the pasture is right beside you ! Amigo truly believes people are his best friend, he loves being petted on and acknowledged. We’ve trail rode amigo everywhere, from big hills, to big green pastures he’s always been a solid citizen, but that’s not the best part, Amigo was originally a dude horse at the famous heart 6 ranch in Wyoming, he enjoyed toting dudes up and down the mountains and working for a living. Amigo has good solid clean legs and good feet. He will load, tie, and saddle with ease. If you’re looking for your next best friend, be sure to check amigo out, he will be sure to give you his entire heart! For more info contat Brandon Browning 859-462-1728 Located in Wallingford, KY.
Place your bids at www.PlatinumEquineAuction.com
Starting Bid $3500
Auction ends August 4th, 2024
Need a new saddle? Check out White Rock Saddles on our website or Facebook!


Wallingford KY 55555


Platinum Equine Auction
Louisville 40299

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Platinum Equine Auction
Louisville 40299
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